How many Junior Clubs are under the Sydney Roosters?
Bondi United
Clovelly Crocs
Paddington Colts
What do I need to get?
Your club supplies Jersey, Shorts and Socks
Players need to get Boots, Mouthguard and Headgear (if required)
When is training?
You will have to get in contact with the club you are playing for, and they will provide you with the training details
Can you play if you are not registered?
Where do I register?
Do you accept Active Kids voucher?
YES – but apply for voucher number before registering
What does a player have to have ready when registering?
Photo head shot of player – from shoulders up
Photo of players ID eg: Birth Cert, Drivers Licence or Passport
If school age, the ACTIVE KIDS voucher number
If I played for a different club the year before, do I need to request a clearance?
YES – either player can request when registering or the club that you wish to play for can. Club will need player’s full name, date of birth and where last played.
What is the minimum number of players to nominate at team?
How many players can be on the field?
The following table specifies the minimum number of players permitted to take the field for any one side for a game to commence:
When do registrations close?
Registration closes on the 30th of June, but please note that the team may have max. players.
When are games played?
Minis play Sundays between 8.30am & 11.00am
Mods & Internationals play Sundays, but times will vary each week
** Finals may be played either Saturday or Sunday **
What is the actual Rugby League season?
April to August for International
Mini and Mods finish earlier
Can girls play?
Absolutely, speak to your club.
What team/age do I play in?
The age that you turn in the playing year
At what age can I start playing?
4 years of age.
Can I play up an age group?
YES – if a “Playing Up” form is signed by Parents, Club and Junior League.
When does the draw come out?
Weekly – Mid Week.
What happens if its raining?
The Junior League will contact the club
Your team manager will advise if the games are on or cancelled
Good idea is to join social media with your club, as this is the quickest way for the club to notify everyone
What notice does the team manager/club have to give to forfeit?
Forfeits must be in by 5pm Friday to Sydney Roosters Administrator
There is a fine of $400 from NSWRL for late notice
If I have any questions, can I contact NSWRL, Sydney Roosters Junior Rugby League or other clubs?
NO – you must send an email with your questions / concerns to your club secretary
They will then forward to the correct person
The club will then get back to you in a timely manner
How many players can come from another district into one team?
NSWRL Transfer Policy
Team Managers should make themselves aware of, and ensure that they have an understanding of, the NSWRL Transfer Policy which limits player movement to and from teams in all age groups from Under 6 to Under 17s.
The basic principles allow for the following recruitment by teams:
A maximum of FOUR players can be recruited from Clubs INTERNALLY (within your District) –only TWO players are allowed to come to you from any one Club internally in any one age group.
A maximum of FOUR players can be recruited from Clubs EXTERNALLY from any other District – only TWO players are allowed to come to you from any one Club externally in any one age group.
If your team played in the Division 1 Grand Final in the previous season then you cannot recruit ANY player that played Division 1 in the previous season. You can still recruit Division
2 players or players that are new to the game or did not participate in the previous season.
Exceptional circumstances may be considered in relation to the above restrictions. If you believe that exceptional circumstances apply to a player that has requested transfer to your Club and team then you should discuss the process for appeal with regards to the Transfer Policy.
Can I play for more than one club in the same year?
NO – you must only play for the club / team that you are registered with that year.
How many games do I have to play to qualify for the finals?
MODS – 5 games
What happens if I get injured?
Team trainer or grounds medic must complete an INJURY REPORT
They must give/email copy of injury report to the club secretary within 5 days of the injury
The club will then forward report to the Junior League
If a player gets concussed?
HIA – Concussion Rule
Team manager must note it on the team sign on sheet
Grounds manager will complete a HIA report, which will be given to the player
Player MUST NOT train or play for 2 weeks
Player needs Doctors Certificate & HIA form signed by doctor before returning to train & play.
Paperwork should be given to the club secretary.
Are we insured?
YES – with Gallagher
How do I make a claim?
Team manager / club will have a link for on-line claim form
Player must complete claim and maybe give a copy to the club secretary to have on file.
Injury report or any doctor’s reports will be loaded onto player’s profile
Code of conduct report?
Email will be sent to club secretary, then it will be sent to the person involved. Plea must be returned to NSWRL committee by 1pm Wednesday
Mercy rule?
Games must be stopped, it is a NSWRL rule
MODS – 50 points difference
INTERNATIONALS – 60 points difference
DH & FR vests?
Under 8’s – only wear Yellow FR vest
Under 9, 10, 11 & 12’s – wear Pink DH vest & Yellow FR vest
Team sheet sign-on?
Ages 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 must put their initials beside their name
Internationals 13+ must put their signature beside the name
Compression garments?
What if my child wears glasses?
4.27 Protective Goggles Policy
The NSWRL sanction the use of protective goggles for use in games and training within Rugby League providing the goggles have no rigid components which could cause harm to the player. These goggles would usually be made of soft plastic with an elastic head band to keep them in place. The NSWRL recommend that head guards are worn by players wearing goggles to reduce the chance of the head band from the goggles sliding down the player’s neck. Any player wearing goggles should seek written clarification from their optician that the goggles are suitable for contact sport. This letter from the optician, together with this NSWRL Policy, will need to be submitted to the Manager of the District Junior Rugby League in which the participant competes. A copy of the letter and the policy will also need to be kept with the players identification card at all times and may prove useful on match days to reassure match officials and opponents. However, despite this policy, the final decision on the suitability of any player equipment is ultimately the referee’s decision.
De-register/un-assign player?
DE-REGISTER – teams are only allowed 7 a season. A reason will have to be submitted to the Sydney Roosters Administrator.
If a player is registered and DOES NOT take the field, you are able to de-register and it counts as a free one. It won’t be included in the 7 team count.
UN-ASSIGNED – if a player is seriously injured at a game or training and won’t play again during that season, they need to stay on the Mysideline system for Insurance claims.